
Character creation mount and blade warband
Character creation mount and blade warband

Yes, you can roleplay politics and ride around trying to persuade lords to join you, but I never had any problems getting vassals with zero persuasion.

character creation mount and blade warband

Leadership is a skill that is very useful and should not be ignored, but it shouldn't be very heavily focused either as most of your party slots come from renown anyway.

character creation mount and blade warband

Many people prefer to put a few points into each of the healing skills to get the stacking bonus, but personally I think it's not worth it as the bonus is barely noticeable. Second, the general idea is to let your companions have the party skills and trainer while you mostly spec into combat.

character creation mount and blade warband

First of all, read the character creation guide because it affects stats quite a lot.

Character creation mount and blade warband